First things first. My mother sent me two videos this week and both are too wonderful to not pass along. The text within this video roughly translates to: “What an animal concert: The Cologne pianist Thelonious Herrmann came up with this unusual idea. He took his piano to the Koln Zoo to play among goats,… Continue reading Videos From My Mother and Other News!
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added by arianezurcher 3 years, 9 months ago.
animal videos
ariane zurcher designs
ariane zurcher on the other hand
ariane zurcher workshops
ariane zurcher youtube
covid pandemic
cute animal videos
design process
dorset button
dorset button as art
dorset button variations
dorset button workshop
dorset buttons
dorset buttons gone rogue
dorset buttons gone wild
dorset buttons gone wild workshop
dorset buttons workshop
hand made dorset buttons
hand stitching
i love my mother
improvisational hand stitching
improvisational stitching
improvisational stitching workshop
koln zoo
sh*t my mother sends me
shit my mother sends me
thelonious herrmann
variations on the dorset button
youtube stitching tutorials
youtube videos
zoom classes
zoom stitching class
zoom stitching workshop
zoom workshops